Nerd Bomb
A 48-bar dance for 4 couples in longways sets
Written for the occasion of a wedding of two theoretical physicists.
A1. Lines go forward and back, lines cross
A2. Repeat
B1. Couples 2 and 3 RH star; couples 1 and 4 RH turn partner
B2. Couples 2 and 3 LH star; couples 1 and 4 LH turn partner
C1. Couple 1 step down to the bottom of the set, weave in between their own lines back to place
C2. Couple 1 step to halfway down the set; others enclose in a circle. Circle L for 8, R for 8. Couple 1 freestyle! Couple 1 retire to the bottom of the set.
For the scientifically inclined, the steps in the dance are intended to represent:
A1, A2. A variable capacitor,
B1, B2. Vortices and field lines,
C1. Path independence of a closed loop,
C2. The hydrogen atom.
Seven for Five
A 32-bar dance in longways 4-couple sets
Written for the fifth birthday of The Rant Ceilidh series.
A1. Lines go forward and back.
Do-si-do partner.
A2. Hands four RH star.
Hands four circle L all the way.
B1. Couple 1 face down, others face up.
Balance in and out as a couple. c1 arch under c2; c3, 4 swap with partner.
Balance in and out as a couple. c1 arch under c3; c2, 4 swap with partner.
B2. Balance as a couple. c1 arch under c4; c2, 3 swap with partner.
All swing partners.
Double Figures
A 48-bar dance in longways 4-couple sets
Written for the tenth birthday of Rant Ceilidhs, with figures meant to represent “tens”!
A1 – Couples 2 and 3 left-hand star around all the way, and back with a right-hand star
A2 – Lines go forward and back, twice
B1 – Line on left join hands, three steps left (up) and kick, three steps back (down) and kick – repeat
WHILE Line on right, make a ring, circle L and R
B2 – Line on right, three steps right and back – repeat
WHILE line on left, circle L and R
C1 – Couple 1 cross each other and weave around the whole set to end at the bottom
(Weaving behind the person next to you in line, around person in third place on opposite line, around person in fourth place in same line)
C2 – All swing partner